The mollusk collection has grown since an initial ad-hoc collection began in the late 1960s as a means of understanding shell artifacts from California archaeological assemblages.
In the early 2000s graduate student Michael Kennedy increased the collection considerably with his research on prehistoric shellfish consumption at sites near Bodega Bay. The collection now houses nearly 470 specimens representing 82 different shell species.
Bivalvia | Arcoida | Arcidae | Anadara sp. | ark (cockle) | 1 | |
Bivalvia | Mytilodia | Mytilidae | Mytilus californianus | California mussel | Bodega Bay, CA | 26 |
Bivalvia | Mytilodia | Mytilidae | Mytilus trossulus | foolish mussel | Bodega Bay, CA | 10 |
Bivalvia | Ostreoida | Anomiidae | Pododesmus cepio | green falsejingle | 15 | |
Bivalvia | Ostreoida | Ostreidae | Crassostrea gigas | giant cupped oyster (Pacific oyster) | 1 | |
Bivalvia | Ostreoida | Ostreidae | Ostrea lurida | olympic oyster | 2 | |
Bivalvia | Ostreoida | Pectinidae | Argopecten circularis | Pacific calico scallop | 28 | |
Bivalvia | Ostreoida | Pectinidae | Crassadoma gigantea | giant rock-scallop | 3 | |
Bivalvia | Ostreoida | Pectinidae | Nodipecten subnodosus | giant lion's paw (scallop) | 1 | |
Bivalvia | Pholadamyoida | Lyonsiidae | Entodesma navicula | rock entodesma (northwest ugly clam) | 1 | |
Bivalvia | Unionoida | Magaritiferidae | Margaritifera falcata | western pearlshell | 2 | |
Bivalvia | Unionoida | Unionidae | Anodonta nuttalliana | winged floater (freshwater mussel) | 4 | |
Bivalvia | Veneroida | Cardiidae | Clinocardium nuttallii | nuttall cockle | 2 | |
Bivalvia | Veneroida | Cardiidae | Trachycardium quadragenarium | spiny pricklycockle | 10 | |
Bivalvia | Veneroida | Chamidae | Chama arcana | secret jewelbox | 1 | |
Bivalvia | Veneroida | Chamidae | Pseudochama exogyra | reversed chama (left-handed jewel box) | 2 | |
Bivalvia | Veneroida | Corbiculidae | Corbicula fluminea | Asian clam | Japana | 4 |
Bivalvia | Veneroida | Donacidae | Donax cf. californicus | California beanclam | 30 | |
Bivalvia | Veneroida | Psammobiidae | Gari californica | California sunset clam | 1 | |
Bivalvia | Veneroida | Psammobiidae | Tagelus californianus | California tegulus | 2 | |
Bivalvia | Veneroida | Tellinidae | Macoma secta | white-sand macoma | 5 | |
Bivalvia | Veneroida | Tellinidae | Macoma yoldiformis | yoldia macoma | 3 | |
Bivalvia | Veneroida | Veneridae | Amiantis callosa | white venus | 1 | |
Bivalvia | Veneroida | Veneridae | Chione californiensis | California chione | Catalina Island, CA | 17 |
Bivalvia | Veneroida | Veneridae | Chione undatella | frilled venus | 18 | |
Bivalvia | Veneroida | Veneridae | Protothaca staminea | Pacific littleneck | Bodega Bay, CA | 10 |
Bivalvia | Veneroida | Veneridae | Saxidomus nuttallii | California butter clam | 5 | |
Cephalopoda | Octopoda | Argonautidae | Argonauta nouryi | Nouryi's argonaut | Japan | 1 |
Crustacea | Thoracica | Scalpellidae | Pollicipes polymerus | leaf barnacle | School House Beach, Sonoma Co., CA | 6 |
Echinoidea | Clypeasteroida | Mellitidae | Encope micropora | keyhole urchin | 1 | |
Echinoidea | Echinoida | Strongylocentrotidae | Strongylocentrotus purporatus | purple sea urchin | 2 | |
Gastropoda | Archaeogastropoda | Fissurellidae | Diodora aspera | keyhole limpet | 1 | |
Gastropoda | Archaeogastropoda | Fissurellidae | Fissurella volcano | volcano keyhole limpet | Catalina Island, CA | 8 |
Gastropoda | Archaeogastropoda | Trochidae | Calliostoma gemmulatum | gem topsnail | 2 | |
Gastropoda | Archaeogastropoda | Trochidae | Norrisia norrisi | Norris's top shell | Catalina Island, CA | 8 |
Gastropoda | Archaeogastropoda | Trochidae | Tegula aureotincta | gilded tegula | Catalina Island, CA | 12 |
Gastropoda | Archaeogastropoda | Trochidae | Tegula brunnea | brown turban snail | Mantana de Oro, San Luis Obispo Co., CA | 3 |
Gastropoda | Archaeogastropoda | Trochidae | Tegula eiseni | banded tegula | Catalina Island, CA | 14 |
Gastropoda | Archaeogastropoda | Trochidae | Tegula funebralis | black turban snail | Sonoma Co., San Luis Obispo Co, Catalina Island, CA | 11 |
Gastropoda | Archaeogastropoda | Trochidae | Tegula gallina | speckled tegula | 4 | |
Gastropoda | Archaeogastropoda | Trochidae | Tegula sp. | tegula/ turban snail | Bodega Bay, CA | 1 |
Gastropoda | Archaeogastropoda | Turbinidae | Astraea undosa | wavy turban | Catalina Island, CA | 22 |
Gastropoda | Basommatophora | Lymnaeidae | Radix auricularia | big eared radix | not native | 1 |
Gastropoda | Basommatophora | Planorbidae | Helisoma anceps | two-ridge rams-horn | 3 | |
Gastropoda | Cephalaspidea | Bullidae | Bulla gouldiana | Gould's bubble snail | Catalina Island, CA | 13 |
Gastropoda | Neogastropoda | Buccinidae | Kelletia kelletii | Kellet's whelk | 1 | |
Gastropoda | Neogastropoda | Conidae | Conus californicus | California cone | Catalina Island, CA | 29 |
Gastropoda | Neogastropoda | Conidae | Conus californicus | California cone | 2 | |
Gastropoda | Neogastropoda | Muricacea | Ocinebrellus inoratus | Japanese oyster drill | 3 | |
Gastropoda | Neogastropoda | Muricidae | Acanthina cf. spirata | angular unicorn | 1 | |
Gastropoda | Neogastropoda | Muricidae | Ceratostoma nuttalli | Nuttall's hornmouth | 4 | |
Gastropoda | Neogastropoda | Muricidae | Maxwellia gemma | gem murex | Catalina Island, CA | 3 |
Gastropoda | Neogastropoda | Muricidae | Nucella canaliculata | channeled dogwinkle | 1 | |
Gastropoda | Neogastropoda | Muricidae | Nucella emarginata | emarginate dogwinkle | 13 | |
Gastropoda | Neogastropoda | Nassariidae | Nassarius fossatus | channeled nassa | Bodega Bay, CA | 2 |
Gastropoda | Neogastropoda | Olividae | Olivella baetica | baetic dwarf olive | Baja Calif., Mexico | 4 |
Gastropoda | Neogastropoda | Olividae | Olivella biplicata | purple dwarf olive | Sonoma Co., Catalina Island, CA | 27 |
Gastropoda | Neotaenioglossa | Calyptraeidae | Crepidula onyx | onyx slipper snail | 1 | |
Gastropoda | Neotaenioglossa | Calyptraeidae | Crucibulum spinosum | spiny cup-and-saucer | 2 | |
Gastropoda | Neotaenioglossa | Cypraeidae | Cypraea spadicea | chestnut cowrie | 4 | |
Gastropoda | Neotaenioglossa | Epitoniidae | Opalia borealis | boreal wentletrap | 1 | |
Gastropoda | Neotaenioglossa | Naticidae | Euspira lewisii | Lewis' moon snail | Bodega Bay, CA | 3 |
Gastropoda | Neotaenioglossa | Naticidae | Neverita reclusiana | tall moon snail | 1 | |
Gastropoda | Neotaenioglossa | Naticidae | Polinices draconis (cf.) | Drake's moon snail | 2 | |
Gastropoda | Neotaenioglossa | Triviidae | Trivia californiana | California trivia | Catalina Island, CA | 1 |
Gastropoda | Neotaenioglossa | Vermetidae | Serpulorbis squamiger | scaly worm shell | Catalina Island, CA | 8 |
Gastropoda | Patellogastropoda | Acmaeidae | Acmaea mitra | dunce cap limpet | Bodega Bay, CA | 7 |
Gastropoda | Patellogastropoda | Haliotidae | Haliotis corrugata | pink abalone | 3 | |
Gastropoda | Patellogastropoda | Haliotidae | Haliotis cracherodii | black abalone | 3 | |
Gastropoda | Patellogastropoda | Haliotidae | Haliotis fulgens | green abalone | 2 | |
Gastropoda | Patellogastropoda | Haliotidae | Haliotis rufescens | red abalone | Bodega Bay, CA | 3 |
Gastropoda | Patellogastropoda | Haliotidae | Haliotis sp. (fulgens/ chacherodii) | hybrid abalone (green/black) | 1 | |
Gastropoda | Patellogastropoda | Lottidae | Lottia pelta | shield limpet | 18 | |
Gastropoda | Patellogastropoda | Lottiidae | Lottia digitalis | finger limpet | 4 | |
Gastropoda | Patellogastropoda | Lottiidae | Lottia gigantea | owl limpet | Sonoma Coast, CA | 4 |
Gastropoda | Patellogastropoda | Lottiidae | Lottia scabra | rough limpet | 5 | |
Gastropoda | Patellogastropoda | Lottiidae | Tectura persona | mask limpet | 1 | |
Gastropoda | Patellogastropoda | Lottiidae | Tectura scutum | plate limpet | 7 | |
Maxillopoda | Sessilia | Balanidae | Balanus glandula | white acorn barnacle | 9 | |
Maxillopoda | Sessilia | Balanidae | Balanus nubilus | giant acorn barnacle | Morzhovoi Bay, Lower Alaska Peninsula | 1 |
Maxillopoda | Sessilia | Balanidae | Megabalanus californicus | acorn barnacle | Catalina Island, CA | 2 |
Polyplacophora | Chitonida | Acanthochitonidae | Cryptochiton stelleri | gumboot chiton | Bodega Bay, CA | 2 |
Polyplacophora | Chitonida | Mopaliidae | Katharina tunicata | black katy (chiton) | Bodega Bay, CA | 2 |